Change Management & Transformational Leadership

Designed for leaders and managers who want to dramatically improve their personal leadership capabilities. Research shows that transformational leaders consistently achieve higher levels of effort, performance, satisfaction, and commitment from staff than those using traditional approaches.

The principles and practices taught in the course have been used successfully in a wide range of industries, including financial services, transportation, hospitality, human resources, business services, information technology, and many others.

Participants will develop a foundational understanding of transformational leadership as a workable model and be able to use it to improve individual and team performance.  They will also recognize transformational characteristics in others and how to develop a plan to shift the current leadership culture to a more transformational model.

Contact the Institute for Organizational Leadership for details about our seminars, workshops, and courses on leadership, change management, and other related topics.

IOL Office: 770-419-1716 or email Dr. Chambers directly at